Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Truth Behind The Title

Alyona and I just returned from bringing Zoya to her next host family.  What should have been a 30 minute drive to our meeting spot, turned into 70 minutes, thanks to an overturned tractor trailer across the the highway.

It gave me a lot of time to just think (A fell asleep about 5 minutes into the drive), and I started reflecting on the name of the blog: "There's a U and an I in Ukraine."  When it popped into my mind several weeks ago, I loved it, but only because I found it rather clever and humorous.  

I didn't know at the time just how completely true those words would ring.  WE COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT SUPPORT.  There is no doubt in our minds of that fact.  

Let's talk numbers:  Getting Alyona from the orphanage to our living room for a 19 day American experience, cost $2,716.  We are feeding an extra person and buying foods that we would not normally buy (like bologna.  ew.)   There was an extra person to buy Christmas presents for.  She needed clothes.  She needed shoes.  She needed toiletries.  Obviously, we want the Ukrainian orphans to have some awesome and memorable experiences.  Newsflash:  most of those "experiences" cost money.  Even the "free" museum in DC ran us about 80 bucks.  Ouch.  For three days and nights, we had Zoya, which was a blessing, but an extra expense.  

When we signed on to do this, we had the "getting her here" part covered, and we were just trusting that the rest would work itself out.  Why do I act surprised when God not only provides, but provides more abundantly than we could have imagined?  Chris and I love to give, and it has been a JOY and PRIVILEGE to give over the years to couples involved in orphan care.  Well, this time we were on the receiving end, and it was so humbling and faith building.

Malachi 3:10

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. "Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Ephesians 3:20
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory...

We have felt no financial burden hosting Alyona.  We've given her memorable experiences, she has plenty of clothes and shoes and toiletries.  She has been given more Christmas gifts than we ever thought she would get (we only gave her four things, but people have been incredibly generous), the fridge and pantry are stocked with foods that she will eat. 

Each and every step of the way, God has been faithful to meet our needs, as well as hers.  When funds start getting low, someone randomly hands us a Visa gift card.  When that is spent, I check the mail and there is a Target gift card (just in time to buy shoes that she needs.)  We want to take the kids bowling on New Years Day, which is pricey for 6 people.  Today at church, someone handed us a check to cover it.  Other than used clothing donations, I have not asked for any of this.  It is God, and his perfect timing.  

Matthew 6:8
...your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

The provisions have not only been monetary.  People are praying for us.  People are encouraging my heart by telling me how much they enjoy the blog (I honestly didn't think anybody would read the thing!)

When I'm feeling discouraged, someone emails to tell me that they are thinking about us.  People at church are quick with the giant bear hugs that my weary self so desperately needs (and you probably know that Presbyterians are not the touchy feely type, by nature!)

I'm just so overwhelmed with the generosity of others, that there are tears pooling up in my eyes as I type this.  Even more encouraging, is that fact that it's not just the Scoggins family.  It is the other 3 host families, too.  My dear friends have similar stories of receiving money from TOTAL STRANGERS to help cover costs.  Being handed a gift card, just when a need arises.  It's been the most amazing thing to witness and be a part of.  

I have learned so much through this experience.  The point I want to drive home now, is that when you take a risk in the name of orphan care, it won't be easy.  In fact, it could be downright hard.  BUT, God will be in it. 

He will not leave you to splash around in the deep end- someone will throw you a life preserver every time!  Just when you are about to sink...there it is!  That bright orange donut that will pull you to the side so you can catch your breath. And because God does more than I can ask or imagine, the lifeguard will hand me a warm, fluffy towel and offer me chocolate.


  1. Amen and amen! I love that you get to be on the receiving end for a change and experience God's miraculous provision. God is good!!

  2. You are such an amazing person, family, & writer!!! Love you :)
