Sunday, December 16, 2012

Today is the day!

Four hours from now, we will be driving to Dulles Airport with 3 sets of friends.  Seven hours from now, we'll be wrapping our arms around our host children.  I can't wait to replace the whopping two photos we've seen of Alyona, for the real deal!

They began their  journey yesterday with a mega long train ride, followed by a flight from Kiev.  These are going to be 4 exhausted girls (the other Richmond area kids will arrive tomorrow.)  I keep wondering what they are thinking right now.  I'm sure they are overwhelmed with the newness of the trains and planes, different languages, and time zone changes.  I'm sure they are wondering what we're like, what our house looks like, what this experience will be like in general!
Talk about brave!  As an adult, I can't imagine if someone stuck me on a plane to go stay with a strange family (emphasis on STRANGE!) in a far away country, where they didn't even speak my language for three weeks.  Can you imagine??

Our family has been so humbled with the kindness and generosity of friends and family, and even strangers.  We have more hand me downs than I know what to do with, as well as gift cards to get her things she will need, like shoes.  We are so very blessed, and we will be SURE to explain to her that many people wanted to be involved in her trip, because we are loved and because she is loved.

I know you will be dying to see pictures, and I will do my best to post them ASAP.  We aren't expecting to be home before midnight, though, so have as much patience as you can muster.  ;-)

Thanks to each person who has encouraged us and is praying for us as we begin this new and very exciting journey.

Until my next post, I'll leave you with this:
Father of the fatherless, be with your sons and daughters this Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this Tracy. Yet another selfless act you do for others. Cannot wait to see this sweet girls face and all the adventures that you share with us!
