Friday, December 21, 2012

Blessings, Bummers and Teen 'tude

Day five is history, and we've had our struggles and challenges.  Today, a friend sent me a message saying, "I get the feeling this is harder than you thought it would be?"  To which I replied, "Yes, but I would do it again."  This hosting program is remarkable, and the opportunities it provides these kids is unmatched.  We knew it wouldn't be easy, but few things that are worth doing ever are...right?
This post might be all over the map, as I'm emotionally exhausted and my brain is mush.  Mushier than usual, even, so here goes...

Yesterday was the first day that all of our kids were in school, and Chris and I were looking forward to some time with Alyona.  We started the morning watching the Jesus movie in Russian.  Afterwards, we told her that Jesus loves her, and that the movie she just watched was true from the bible.  We told her that our family follows Jesus, and she just replied "Yes.  Goot." 

After that, we took her to lunch at Legend's (thanks, Living Social coupon!)  We ordered her a burger, thinking we were safe since Chris made her a burger her first night with us, which she completely inhaled.  Well, this one was all wrong, apparently.  She gave the "thumbs down" and said "No.  Bad."  We told her it was the exact same thing that Chris made for her and she loved it.  No go.  Wouldn't even take a bite.  BUMMER.  I asked her if she ever went to restaurants in Ukraine and she said yes.  I asked who takes her, but the reply (google translate) was gobbledygook.  Yet another mystery. 

At 2pm it was off to the dentist for 4 fillings.  She was very brave.  We will go back on Thursday to have the other 4 cavities filled.  The work she is getting done is free of charge.  Our dentist used to do foster care and he has a heart for orphans.  BLESSING.
After a dinner of leftovers, it was off to do the Tacky Lights Tour.  Our kids were SO excited, and I couldn't wait to see the look on Alyona's face when she saw the houses.  We're talking big time- there was even a segment on Richmond's Tacky Lights tour on TLC.  As is our tradition, we got our CFA shakes and off we went.  She. Could. Not. Have. Cared. Less.  BUMMER

I was feeling so deflated when we got home.  I had really been looking forward to our day, but it kind of stunk.  I feel like our attempts at "impressing" her are falling flat.

I was reminded again, though, that we are not in this alone.  When I went to pick Reid up from CYT (before the lights debacle), I was handed four Target Gift cards- one for each host child at our church.  I DID NOT KNOW THIS PERSON.  We were also given $100 cash to help with expenses while Alyona is here.  FROM ANOTHER TOTAL STRANGER, who heard about our hosting adventure.  BLESSING upon BLESSING.

This morning I awoke, praying for a good attitude and low to no expectations.  We started with a trip to the eye doctor, which went well.  I discovered via her exam that her eye sight is terrible, BUT, she has glasses.  In Ukraine.  Not helpful.  I asked her why she didn't pack them, and she just shrugged.  The doctor said she should be wearing them every waking moment, which we translated.  In return I was given a giant eye roll.  TEEN 'TUDE.
Two of the other host moms were at the eye doctor as well, and talking to them was like a huge breath of fresh air.  I really needed that.  This is a bonding experience for us, to say the least.

On the drive home, Chris called and said that his coworker (and friend!) wanted to buy Alyona a NEW bathing suit as a Christmas present and we were to meet her at the mall.  BLESSING

Here we are at Dick's Sporting Goods with Dee...she even bought her goggles.  (Notice the plaid skirt and paisley top.  I have made a few clothing suggestions that were not well received, thus, I have  learned to pick my battles!)

 After we got home and had lunch, she pointed upstairs, which is code for "I'm going to my room to watch You Tube videos in Russian."  We have tried MANY times to engage her with games, activities, etc, but she has no interest.  If we push it, guess what we get in return:  TEEN 'TUDE.
UGHHHHHH.  Chris and I agree that she is here for 19 days, and it's not worth fighting over.  It's disappointing that she wants to just "hide" upstairs, but I guess I was like that as a teen, too.  And communicating is really, really hard.  It's tiring for all of us, I'm sure. 

We needed something quick for dinner, so we could get Reid to basketball practice.   Check this out:
I wish she loved the food as much as she loved Santa Cow.  BUMMER.  Sure got a cute picture, though.  And might I add:  Bryan, the CFA owner, is a rock star.  BLESSING.

Finally, it was time for the Nutcracker.  Here we are, about to go in:
I think she enjoyed it, and it was refreshing doing an activity that required no English.
During intermission, she made a call on her cell phone.  Yes, she has a cell phone that even takes pictures.  She said she won it in a running race in Ukraine.  It was a prize.  Anyhoo...I asked her who she was talking to, and she said, "sister."  "In Ukraine??", I asked.  She said "yes."  Odd, as the other day she told the translator that she didn't know her number and had never seen her sister.  Not to mention that she called Ukraine which I would imagine cost an arm and a leg (who pays her cell phone bill??)... and it was 3am there.  ???  Mysterious, and I have no clue what to think about that one.

As we were leaving we ran into the Dowda family, who is hosting a teen boy from Ukraine named Sergiy.  They were at the training we went to a few weeks ago.  Well, let me just say that the smile that followed their introduction (they are not from the same orphanage and they did not travel here together) was the biggest one I've seen yet.  Ha!!!  I told her that "this is the family that invited us to go swimming tomorrow at an indoor pool"  I thought she might faint dead away.  When we got to the car, she grabbed my phone and typed "Sergiy at dance?"  I told her yes, and she shouted, "GOOT!"  LOLLLLLLLL!!!  I think somebody has a crush!!!

When we got home I told Chris that Alyona met Sergiy, and she turned red, then gave us both a big hug and said goodnight in Russian.  It was the first time in days that she said goodnight to us (she usually just gets up and leaves)- progress?!


  1. AHHH!!!!! SOOOOO funny!!!! LOVE IT!!! So wish we had seen you earlier in the night so we could have sat together, but glad that it made A's night better :-). I hope they have fun together at the pool - I think it will be a blast :-). I will also start trying to round up some of Olivia's friends who are boys to come to the dance - seems like that is the way to get a smile on that beautiful face :-). I don't mind manipulation ;-). Can't wait to see all of you tomorrow - SO FUN!!!

  2. Baptism by fire, my friend! Sounds like you are handling it well, though. The cell phone thing would have me a bit concerned, too. Maybe your Russian speaking friend could help you out? We have a single missionary gal from our church who is home for Christmas from Ukraine if you need backup...she could Skype or call! Praying for you all!

  3. Ugh... the roller coaster must be nuts!!! Sending good vibes and prayers your way!!!!! xo Britt
