Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gimme Gimme, I need! I need!

Since I seem to be on a What About Bob kick...

Countdown to Alyona:  11 days.  What I have so far:  a pack of underwear. 
It's definitely time to say, "Gimme Gimme, I need!  I need!"

We are expecting that the orphans will arrive with nothing more than the clothes on their back.  We will absolutely need to buy her a new coat and 2 new pairs of shoes (that is a guarantee, based on our host training), and we are more than happy to take her shopping for those. With those being bigger ticket items, plus having one more child to buy Christmas presents for, if we could collect some of the following things, it would be super helpful to our budget!

Socks (new)
Slippers (new)
a dress for Christmas eve and a dance she'll be attending
a new hairbrush
a bathing suit (we'll take her swimming at the Y)

Gift cards to Walmart or Target so she can pick out some of her own things would be amazing.  They enjoy buying little gifts to bring back to their friends and orphanage workers.  How sweet that someone who has so little wants to give to others?! 

***note: We want to outfit her while she is here, but be aware that all of her clothing becomes communal once she returns to the orphanage.  She will have to "hold on loosely", and so will we as the "gift givers".

The big question:  What size is she?
My really bad answer:  No clue.

We were told that the kids in general are smaller than average, however, she looks pretty healthy in her passport photo (the one in my first blog entry).  I wish I could be more help in that department!  I would suggest that if you buy something new, to include a gift receipt in case it doesn't fit.  Gently used hand me downs are great , though.

Please contact me if you would like to help. I would be happy to come and pick items up (if I can actually get my sick kids back to school!!)

Thank you in advance.  This is a perfect example of "it takes a village."

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