Friday, January 2, 2015

Hey Jesse!

Happy New Year!
Well, we are down to just 13 days left with this crazy kid:

His first few days here feel like FOREVER ago.  Maybe because we've been so busy?  Maybe because he's come such a long way?  I don't know.  Either way, I'm suuuuuuper sad that winter break is drawing to a close and in just 2 short days, the kids will be back to school (homework:  kill me), sports and Destination Imagination will be in full swing for Reid and Loren, and Chris and I will return to work.  For those of you who don't know, I work at a preschool 3 mornings a week, and the director was kind enough to agree to let me bring JQ to be my "helper".  Should be interesting!

JQ continues to do great.  We've kept him busy and have made lots of fun memories for him. 
He LOVES Jumpology and as a fun bonus, one of the employees there speaks Mandarin! 

He's been to Chuck E Cheese (thanks, Deana!)...
...and to the Science Museum (thanks, Jennifer and Aaron!)
Shark Tank!
He's been to the Goochland Drive In for a TRIPLE feature...

Hamburger with a side of tots?  Oh. Yeah.
Although we FROZE our buns off at  Busch Gardens Christmas Town, we got to see the show "Gloria", which was A-MAY-ZING, and told the Christmas story.  He was captivated!
The BG freeze fest was followed by dinner at Outback in Williamsburg:
The Toothless Wonder loves baba!
He even went bowling on New Years Day (a tradition for about 6 years running!)
***remember how I mentioned the "Jia Fun Money" envelope and the months of saving?  You are now viewing it in photo format.  When you have an orphan in your home, especially one as cute as Jia who thanks us for EVERYTHING and claps his hands with glee, you want to give the kid the world.  Yes, we are spoiling him and spending way too much money.   Sue me!
He loves to be out and about FOR SURE, but he loves being at home, too, especially when all 6 of us are here together.  If one person is missing, he will ask and ask and ask about them.  When the prodigal returns he claps and hugs and smiles.  It's very sweet!
Each morning is the same.  He comes downstairs with the kids around 7:30 to watch TV or color or play or whatever.  This morning I heard him singing "It feels like a party every day.  Hey Jesse!  Hey Jesse!"  OH MY GOSH- SO FUNNY.  He then eats a HUGE breakfast.  I couldn't eat half of what he eats.  Chris made him bacon the other day, and he asked for the translator app to say "delicious!" 
Breakfast is followed by a bubble bath.  He plays in there for about 20 minutes, and always wants me to smell his "stinky toes". 
He spends his days playing with Dory, playing outside with the kids, coloring, and shadowing Cole.  Oh, and eating  Have I mentioned the eating?!  He's a bottomless pit and skinny as a pencil!
He has a great sense of humor and is so fun to goof around with. 
Probably the biggest area of growth for him has been in the affection department.  When he first arrived, he didn't want to be touched.  He had absolutely no idea how to give or receive a hug, didn't know how to receive a piggy back ride or be picked up, and would NOT sit on a lap.  Now?  He does all of those, a TON.  This morning he came in the kitchen and gave me a hug and kiss.  I said, "thank you, JiaQing!" and he happily yelled, "Waacome!!"  (his version of "you're welcome").  He was having Cole piggyback him all over the house.  I was watching a video on the computer (of him, of course) and he climbed right up on my lap without a second thought.  When Dory is outside, he asks me to pick him up so he can see her out the window.  Please believe, he did NONE of those things when he arrived.  He either didn't know how, or just plain WOULD NOT.  See what a little bit of love can do?  Have I mentioned how you should really consider hosting?  wink.
So, with 13 days left, here's where we're at...
We are still advocating for him.  I call him an "internet sensation", as his photo and bio is everywhere, being shared by everyone and their brother. 
WE STILL DON'T HAVE A FOREVER FAMILY FOR HIM.   Yesterday he told us several times that he wants to go to school in the United States.  He would be fine here, I have no doubt.  He said he does not miss China.
Would you please join me in praying for a family for him?  Preferably, one that comes forward before he goes back?  (He has to go back either way, but it would be awesome if he went back with a family pursuing him.)  Thank you for encouraging us and loving him!!!
I'll end with this video, so you can hear his voice.  I love that loud, funny voice! 







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