Sunday, December 23, 2012

Double Your Pleasure

Yes, I am writing two blog posts, back to back.  Since the last one was more about hosting in general than it was about Alyona specifically, and since I have some cute pictures to you go!

Yesterday we joined the Dowda family at the indoor pool they belong to.  They also have 3 children and are hosting a teen from Ukraine.  We had a fantastic time, and as refreshing as it was for Alyona and Sergiy to speak Russian to each other, it was equally refreshing for Jen and I to speak "host mom!"
She enjoyed trying out her brand new bathing suit, and reeeeeally enjoyed swimming with Sergiy (the boy we ran into at the Nutcracker).  Take a look at this handsome dude (far right)...who can blame her??
The Scoggins and the Dowdas, with Alyona and Sergiy
Earlier that day, Alyona gave me about 5 different hairstyles.  By the time she was finished, my hair was quite hat worthy.  After swimming, we ordered pizza.  She wouldn't even take a bite, while Sergiy plowed through piece after piece.  Jen encouraged me by saying, "If a cute boy can't encourage her to eat something that she doesn't want to, you certainly shouldn't feel bad that you can't!"  Truth!

Each year at Christmastime, we make our annual trip to Bass Pro Shops...
Posing in front of the fire  
We had really hoped for a picture with Santa, but there was a two hour wait.  Bah Humbug!  Posing with this bear was almost as Christmassy...
Alyona thinks we are crazy and tried to escape back to Ukraine, but she couldn't find the key...
That night we really blew her mind by taking her to the Goochland Drive In Theater.  She was so confused!  Before the movie, we took a hayride with a very special someone:
After thawing a bit and sipping some hot cocoa, A Christmas Story started.  She laughed out loud at a few scenes, and then decided to grab some blankets and go to sleep in the back seat.  Movies (even hilarious classics) aren't as exciting when you can't understand the words.  I think she enjoyed it, though, overall.

Today we went to church, and then drove all the way to Mechanicsville to play soccer with a bunch of kids (including Sergiy), only to have her totally chicken out.  I think she got a little intimidated by all of the teens that were there,  and their athletic abilities.
She spent some time up in "her" room watching her Russian shows, while I finished some Christmas shopping with Loren.  After dinner, we literally forced her to play the Wii with us.  It was a disaster.  She couldn't figure it out, and had no interest.  Family bonding fail. 

Stay tuned for tomorrow's next bonding attempt:  "Christmas Cookie Baking Blitz"...

1 comment:

  1. You are bound to find something she enjoys...keep trying! At the very least, you are making some great memories...for her and you!
