Friday, August 12, 2016


I am happy to report that Han has had a much better week.  He doesn't ask us anymore when he will go back to China (his first week here, he asked multiple time a day), and he is starting to relax.  Yay!

He is rolling with our family's routine, and is remembering to flush the toilet, put the lid down, wash hands, etc, more each day.
The shadowing us is definitely still there, but it is much better.  Now when he does that and I ask him to go find something fun to do, he is gone a lot longer (rather than 45 seconds to a minute.)  Progress!!
He is picking up some English, and his favorite English phrase is, "I hungry!"  I swear, I do feed the child.  I'm not sure where he puts it, but I'm happy to try and get some meat on those bones of his!

Tuesday was the day I had been waiting for...his first baseball game!  He was so excited at the thought of it, but the reality was boring for him, I think.  The game hadn't even started yet, and he was asking when we were going home.  Oh buddy, let me teach you about nine innings...

He liked the curly fries!

We were lucky enough to get pictures with the Flying Squirrels mascots!

"So...what are you guys supposed to be?"

On Wednesday, we enjoyed some time at the lake, which he seemed to enjoy.  The swimming section of the lake is very shallow, so I didn't have to worry.  He liked playing in the sand and floating with the hot pink tube!

Yesterday I had to run some errands at the mall, that were anything but exciting, and he was such a trooper.  Here he is entertaining himself at the Apple store, while I dealt with Reid's broken iPad.
He's a funny little guy, in that the FIRST thing he asks me every morning is, "Where are we going?" I'll be standing there in my pajamas, and he simply must have that information! He loves to be out and about...until he doesn't.  He doesn't misbehave at all, but he just starts asking when we are going home, not long after we arrive at the place he was so excited to get to (the baseball game, the lake, etc.)  The irony is, when we are home, he can't wait to go somewhere!  Ha!
Last night we took him to track club.  Wasn't sure how that would go over, but he loved it!  He just joined right in and even ran the track.  I was so proud of him!  Cole gave him the 3rd place ribbon that he had earned.  I just love that boy's heart so much. 

Enjoying some watermelon afterwards with Mrs. Jarvis!

After track club, we went to Sonic for half price shakes.  Han was SO grateful.  Just loved it.
we are clearly still working on how to pose for a picture!!
This morning I needed to do some grocery shopping, and he wanted to come with me.  He loves to push the cart!  He was so funny, in that every time I put an item in the cart, he would say, "Oh, sank you, muzzer!"  Tin foil?  "Oh, sank you, muzzer!"  Dental floss? "Oh, sank you, muzzer!"  Detangler for Loren's hair?  "Oh, sank you, muzzer!"  I was cracking up!!
The other thing he does that is hilarious, is that when a stranger talks to him, he just says, "China!"  We were at the shoe store yesterday, and the clerk asked him, "how are you today?" 
When I introduce him to a friend, he says, "China!"
I was picking up a birthday cake today, and the lady asked him if it was his birthday.  His reply?  You guessed it..."China!"
I guess that's his way of saying, "I don't speak English."  Maybe we should work on that phrase!?!
This morning he tried to sing happy birthday to Cole in English.  He did really well!  Not sure where he learned that??
He really is just a grateful little guy, and it's so endearing.  He has told me twice now, just out of the clear blue sky, "I love you, Mother."  He is sloooooowly warming up to hugs, but he is still generally uncomfortable with affection (and he still despises tickling!)
He has come so far in the two weeks he's been here, that I just know he would thrive in a permanent, loving family.  Thank you so much for sharing about Han.  He flies back to China in 8 days, and I'm tempted to despair that a family has not come forward to pursue him for adoption.  I was reminded by another host mom this morning that it is God who writes the story, and not Tracy.  All I can do is my best to advocate for him, and leave the results up to the Lord.  At a minimum, Han is having the vacation of a lifetime and he is basking in the love of a family.  He's trying new things, making new friends, and blessing our socks off in the process. 



  1. Cole's heart and you guys make me cry for joy. If I wasn't leaving for Africa soon. It would be China.Thanks for blogging.♡

  2. Cole's heart and you guys make me cry for joy. If I wasn't leaving for Africa soon. It would be China.Thanks for blogging.♡
