Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Elephant in the Room

Finally...a blog post!  We got home from Chicago with JiaQing around midnight on Tuesday, and Chris finished out the work week.  I haven't had a spare moment to write (other than my 847 Facebook posts, of course.  ha!)

Before I write anything else, I have to say a huge THANK YOU to all of the people who donated towards our hosting fees or flights, to Carolee and Rick for keeping our three kids and taking care of the dog while we were picking up JQ, and to Jon and Tama, for picking us up from and returning us to O'Hare, as well as putting Chris and me up for the night in their home while we were in Chicago.  Orphan hosting is a TEAM effort, for sure!!! 

JQ has been adaptable, funny, sweet, and active.  He loves Nerf gun fights, playing with the dog, drinking OJ, going to visit nana and papa down the street, building with Lincoln Logs, coloring, and following Cole around like a little shadow.

From the moment he said his goodbyes to his friends and chaperones to come with us, he has seemed very comfortable, at ease and unafraid.  What a brave kiddo!!

Communication hasn't been too hard.  Lots of charades and some google translate.  Other than that, we seem to get our points across.  He's even picking up some English- and in only 4 days!  If you see him, ask him to sing Jingle Bells for you- it's his favorite!  :-)

Jet lag and the 12 hour time difference didn't seem to phase him.  He goes to bed around 8pm without so much as a peep, and sleeps until about 8am.  Thank you, LORD!!!  He shares a room with Cole, and I think he finds some comfort with him there.  The peppermint, chewable melatonin probably doesn't hurt, either!  ;-)

The kids adore him, and he definitely adores them.  He has taken quite a shine to Chris, too, and calls him "Baba" or "Bobby".  Very sweet.
So, all in all, we really feel like we hit the jackpot with this little guy!  No car sickness (very common with host kids from China), not afraid of the dog (also common for kids from China), and he's super smart, silly and hilarious. 

As far as the "Elephant in the Room" that my post title eludes to...that elephant is the A word.  Adoption.  I love, love, love posting funny little things he does, or cute pictures to Facebook, and I love how much you're loving them!  There has, however, been a lot of "I just know you'll adopt him", and "He looks perfect with your family!" (that's true.  wink), and "Come just have to keep him!"
Well, here is where we stand as of right now...  Chris has said from the beginning of our hosting conversations that started months ago, that he only wanted to advocate for our host child.  Was/is he petrified that I'll want to adopt?  Yes, pretty much.  I've always had a heart for adoption, but it is a huge, HUGE decision and not one to be taken lightly.  Often times in the world of orphan care, the wife is the gas and the husband is the brakes.  We women tend to be maternal feelers who weep at the thought of a motherless child.  Especially one as young and adorbs as JQ, right?!  But the bottom line is, if this is something that God is calling us to do, He will make it clear to both of us.  Unless and until that happens, we will advocate for him.  Our hope and prayer is that while he is here (he returns to China on 1/15), he WILL be matched to a forever family.  It is probable that that family is not us. 

We have and will continue to do everything in our power to get the word out about JiaQing.  His professional photos were already sent to the "powers that be", and I've been asked to write a little blurb/bio about him that can go with the photos, on the adoption sites that he's shown on.  Of course I have mixed emotions-  I adore him, and selfishly want him all to myself!  But, because I adore him, I want to find a family for him.  Unless God says in no uncertain terms, "It's YOU, dummy!", then advocate we shall.  THAT is our job as his host family; to advocate for him, love him, show him what a family is all about, and give him some amazing memories.  Oh, and introduce him to Chickfila.  Check.

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