Friday, August 5, 2016

Hosting Changes Lives.

As I've mentioned before, this is our 4th time hosting an orphan.  The first time was with a teenage girl from Ukraine.  Our kids were 5, 7 and 9 at the time, so I'm not totally sure what we were thinking!?!  Hosting her was a great experience for all of us (mostly!) and she loved every moment of her time in America.  However, the child who really rocked our world, the one who changed our lives, the one who stole our hearts (and yours), and the one who kept us on the hosting path was JQ. 

When we put him back on the plane to China in January of 2015, we honestly weren't sure if we would ever see him again.  It was so painful.


Were we meant to adopt him?  We loved him so much (SO MUCH) but just didn't feel like that was the direction we were supposed to go.  March 2015, enter the Brannagan family.  I remember the phone call from them like it was yesterday.  They got our number from CCAI and called to hear all about him;  and oh my, did they get an earful!  I remember saying, "I know it doesn't seem possible that he is as awesome as I'm describing, but he is.  He truly is."  I forwarded them countless pictures and videos, and just prayed.
The very next day, they submitted their letter of intent, and by September, he was home with them in Nebraska.  An orphan no more.

Although Nebraska is sure closer than China, it's not exactly right next door.  I was so thankful for Facebook and updates from his mama, but still wondered if we would ever see him again in person.  Well, it happened, people- and it was incredible.

 Cole and JQ, December 2014
JQ and Cole August 2016
First of all, how cray-cray was it to be talking to ENGLISH!!!  No google translate needed!  He was SO excited to show his family where he slept, where Dory's crate was, etc.  He thought he was pretty hot stuff!  Having him in our living room again, asking Chris to wrestle with him, was indescribable.  Just pure happiness.  My parents came over and he gave them big hugs and said, "Hi Nana and Papa!"

After chatting for a while, we took his family to "JQ's Chickfila."  He asked, "Can I ride in your van?"  Melt. 

Reid was very sensitive to Han, who was probably somewhat confused by everything.  ("What's up with all of these Chinese kids who don't understand a word I'm saying?")
We didn't tell him how we knew JQ (his head might have exploded)- we just said that they were our friends visiting from far away.  We were sure to get some pictures with him, too.  :-)

Poor Han.  He is just not the most photogenic child!
After an amazing night catching up with JQ and getting to know his family, the fun continued the next day!  We rode the train at Short Pump Town Center and just walked around.  It was a hit!
After that, we headed to the pool, and the Perry gang joined us with their host son (who is ADORBS)
Han had a lot of fun (I think?) swimming and chatting with his buddy from China.  I say "I think" because he is just not a very smiley little guy.  He is very serious and sullen, and seems to be quite homesick for China, but I digress...
Hanging out with JQ's family just felt as natural as can be.  They are WONDERFUL.  His 3 siblings are so precious and kind and cute. 
If you don't love this picture, then there is no hope for you!
Side note: When we were at the mall, Caleb (the one with the blue towel) said to me, "Your family is so nice.  I'm glad JQ got to live with you first."
What 9 year old says something so dear?!?!  I think they should adopt like 10 more kids.  They are SO nailing this parenting thing. 
JQ said that he thought Meg and I look alike, and said that we are "both so pretty."  OK, seriously you want a pony?  BECAUSE I'LL BUY YOU A PONY!
We talked at the pool for hours, that went by like minutes.  When everyone was properly sunned and funned, we returned to our house and kept the party going until the kids were melting down from sheer exhaustion.  Meg and Russ and the kids felt like family to us from moment one.  And the more I thought about it, I realized that they ARE family to us, and we have hosting to thank for that.  When Russ told us Wednesday night that they wouldn't have considered adopting a 7 year old had JQ not been hosted, I fought back tears.  Can you even imagine if we had missed that opportunity?!?  Adopting an older child is scary, but hearing first hand that he thrived in our family, that he was independent and funny and smart, that he WANTED to be in America?  Well, that just made all of the difference!  It gave them the confidence to move forward.  We will always be a part of JQ's story, and that overwhelms me with gratitude. 
When it was time to say goodbye, JQ cried a lot.  His mom told him that it's because he loves us, and that's a good thing.  Oh my heart. 
Hosting gave us an extended family.  It gave JQ a forever family.  Hosting changed everything.
Won't you please consider giving it a try?