Saturday, February 6, 2016

Here We Go Again!

Time to blow the dust off the ol' blog...the Scoggins family is getting ready to host again! 

One week from today, we will be picking up little Ji Nuo from Dulles airport.  I wonder several times a day what's going through his head, as the day of his departure draws near.  All of the anticipation, excitement, fear of the unknown...can you even imagine??  He's been given a photo album filled with pictures of our family, and a letter of introduction, translated into Mandarin.  Other than that, he is stepping out into the great unknown.  These kids are so brave.  SO. BRAVE.

Ji Nuo turns 10 years old on Monday February 8th.  When he's here, Chris and I will have a 9 year old, a 10 year old, an 11 year old, and a 12 year old.  Bring on the crazy!
Two very dear Richmond friends are hosting with us, which has really upped the excitement factor! It will be so nice for the boys to have each other to see and talk to in Mandarin.   There will be lots of playdates over those four weeks!  (that will be for Ji Nuo's sake...and mine!)
Heather and Jon's host son, "Ben"

Ali and EJ's host son, "Jack"
This will look a bit different than our other two hosting experiences, in that I'm working at a preschool and I'm not allowed to bring Ji Nuo with me.  I have a sub once a week, but other than that, we have pieced together child care.  My friend Jennifer is keeping him 6 of the mornings, and I don't think I could bake enough chocolate chip cookies in a lifetime to repay her kindness!
And to the thirteen families that donated towards our hosting fees to even make this possible?  Well, there are just no words.  We might be his host family, but his "American Family" spans far and wide, as far as we're concerned.  It takes a village, each and every time.
To be brutally honest, we are all a little nervous about hosting again, after hosting JQ...
...not because we're worried about having our hearts broken again (the broken hearts have healed, and they were worth it.  He has a forever family that is AMAZING, and he is thriving!)  It's just that JQ made it so darn easy on us!!!  We were told to expect the kids to be jet lagged and off schedule for one day per hour of time difference.  That's 12 days.  JQ?  ONE DAY.
We were warned that they aren't used to western toilets and to expect some bathroom challenges.  Nope.  We were warned that they aren't used to driving around and to expect car sickness and/or dislike for the car.  JQ ate road trips for lunch!  He fell right into our family, from day one.  He ate anything we put in front of him.  He even got our family's sense of humor...and dished out his own funnies!  Seriously, we reeeeeeally lucked out with him.  Alyona was a teenager, so she was old enough to figure things out, and was easy in that way.  We really just don't know what to expect with Ji Nuo, and yes, it's scary!  So why the heck are we doing this again?  Why are we juggling schedules, paying a ton of money, inconveniencing ourselves and our children?  Well, it's simple.  Because we love Jesus.  That's it.  These orphans are God's kids, and He loves them madly, so, we better love them, too.  We are commanded in James 1:27 to "look after orphans in their distress", and that's what we're going to do. 
Please pray for us as we prepare for his arrival, and for the kids as they prepare to come.  They weren't born yesterday, and they know what this trip COULD mean for them.  Please pray that every last one of the children coming finds a forever family through their hosting experience. 
Every child deserves and longs for a loving family.
The next time I post on this blog...he'll be in my arms.  Stay tuned!

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