Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our Final Days With Alyona

I wanted to share some pictures of our last days with Alyona...

On New Years Eve, we went to a party with no fewer than 150 people, a third of which were teens.  I have to give Alyona some serious props, because she just wondered around and did her thing.  She even joined in with the groups of teens and made herself right at home!  I would have been petrified to do something like that...and she doesn't even speak the language!

She was wearing heels and a mini skirt, and my friend Elizabeth heard a boy say to his friends, "There's a hot girl here and she doesn't speak English!"  Three guesses who he was referring to...ha!!
Here she is, just having a grand ol' time!

We got home from the party around 9, and she wanted to go up to her room to watch her Russian videos.  We made her come downstairs just before midnight to shout "Happy New Year!", and then we sent her off to bed.  Woot!

The next day, thanks to a generous friend, we all went bowling.  Two other families joined us and we had a great time.  She had never bowled before, and quickly got the hang of it...

 The bumpers were up in her lane, but still...she was the only kid to hit 100!

My friend, Heather, brought her niece, so Alyona wouldn't be the only kid over the age of 9.  She rocks!

 I love this man.  Alyona never had a father figure in her life until now. He was and is so loving and 
patient and smart (and handsome!)He was a great example of how a man should treat a wife and a daughter, and hopefully she will always remember what she saw and be picky when it comes time to find a husband.

Bowling buddies.  Happy New Year!

After 2 hours of bowling and then lunch, we took Alyona shopping to buy gifts for her friends back at the orphanage.  I think that was one of her favorite activities of the entire trip, and she is so anxious to distribute the goodies upon her return to Ukraine!

Today we were home getting things done, until 2:30.  Then, we went to the library to see Cole's and Reid's artwork on display, followed by a trip to Sweet Frog.  Oh yeah!

An interpreter friend came over at 5 to help her pack.  It was SOOO much easier having her there.  Thank you, Lena!

She is packed and showered and ready to leave in the morning.  She doesn't seem sad about having to go back, but she has mentioned wanting to be hosted again.  Not sure if she will be too old to be considered (she cannot be adopted once she turns 16 in May), but it's really sweet that she loved it here and wants to return.  Mission accomplished!

We'll be heading to Dulles at 7:30am tomorrow.  Pictures to follow...

1 comment:

  1. There were no bumpers on that game... she is a bowling genius.
