Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Meeeeerry Keesmas- WOOWOO!

If you are reading this, congratulations are in survived Christmas, too!  Having our special Christmas guest really did make things a lot of fun.  Last year we had a newborn with us...things were SLIGHTLY different this year!  (no diapers or 2am Christmas Eve feedings!)

Several times on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, Alyona happily yelled (she is loud, people), "Meeeeerry Keesmas- WOOWOO!"  It sounded like the Polar Express was about to pull into the station!

Our three were up during the 5 o'clock hour on Christmas morning (I so remember being that way as a kid!), but they were forbidden to leave their rooms until 7am.  All three bounded in at 7am on the nose, and begged us to wake Alyona.  That girl was OUT LIKE A LIGHT.  Poor kid!  I finally had to resort to shaking her, pointing downstairs and saying "CHRISTMAS!"
She stumbled out of bed and into the living room with the kids.  There wasn't much reaction when she saw the tree and presents, but she had just been abruptly awoken!

Each child got stocking stuffers and four gifts:  something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read.  We wanted things to be equal, and that seemed like a good way to do it.   Alyona was grabbing gifts and reading the name, and then piling them in front of each person.  It was funny, and we were impressed that she could read the English words so well!  (maybe she memorized them from seeing them on the stockings?)  Here are a few shots from the morning:

Go TCES Cougars!

Happy Reid
Move over Ralphie with your official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200 shot range air rifle...Cole got a DS!

"Thirty-One bags?  For me?!  You shouldn't have!"

First person to find Ukraine gets a candy cane!

After we opened our gifts and took showers, my parents came over.  I pre-warned them that Alyona might not show excitement or gratitude for her gifts, but she actually did!  Mom knit her a matching hat, scarf and mittens set, which she seemed to love!  (phew!)  They also got her the cutest stuffed puppy dog, that we will fit into that small suitcase if it kills us!

By noon, we were on the road, headed up to Oakton.  She slept (or at least tried to sleep) all the way there.  She must have gotten at least some rest, because she acclimated to her new surroundings quickly, and got quite comfortable and silly!  The kids kept running to us saying, "She's dancing to Justin Bieber!  Come see!"  Of course, each time I did, she would stop.  Only dances for kids, I guess.  She actually did Google Translate "I dance very good hip hop" once. 

My sister in law, Karen,  set the most beautiful table (think Pottery Barn catalog cover, Christmas edition), and the food was DIVINE.  Alyona ate the turkey.  JUST the turkey.  Couldn't even get her to try a roll!  Oh well- at least she got some protein!  :-)
I'm sure it was uncomfortable being the one person there out of 14 people that didn't speak English or recognize the food.  She was a trooper.

Shortly after the feast, it was time for more presents.  What could bring out a huge smile like the one below?  New make-up!!  She LOVED it, and spent a great deal of time applying it this morning.  Very sweet!

 You might have seen the kudos I gave our niece, Katie, on facebook.  She was and is a rock star.  She is 16 and totally took Alyona under her wing.  She started by letting her try on 3 dresses from her closet. She modeled each one and found THE dress for the big dance this Friday!  She smiled ear to ear as we all clapped and told her how pretty she looked.

Then, Katie came down with stuff for pedicures.  She painted Alyona's toes (and Loren's!), and then did her hair and make-up.  Extreme Makeover...Alyona edition!

Check out the finished product.    VaVaVoom!

 I'm sure they'll kill me for writing this, but at the end of the evening, Katie's parents handed us a check to help with Alyona's expenses.  God has provided for us day by day, and we are thankful and blessed.  Just another tangible reminder of God's faithfulness, and the fact that we are not in this alone.  SO many people are playing a part in this experience with us...all for Alyona!!

After a wonderful evening, we drove to Chris's parents house about 15 minutes away.  I think she was exhausted at that point, and was very anxious to just head to bed with the Android to watch her Russian videos.  Couldn't blame her!

This morning we woke up to a big surprise..SNOW! 
"Bag feet" are totally in for 2013.  I read it in Cosmo...
 Although she did eat breakfast with us, she was really being quite a loner this morning.  I wish she would have felt more comfortable to hang out with us in the living room by the fireplace, but no such luck.  Around 11am we decided to head off on an adventure.  Sadly, the weather decided it was done cooperating and it just poured.  A super cold, chill you to the bone, rain.  And did we have umbrellas?  Of course not!  By the time we walked from the car to the Metro, and the Metro to the museum, we were downright drenched.  But trudge on, we did!

We were reeeeeally hoping she would like the museum.  There was SO much cool stuff to see, but she just acted bored.  Boohoo!  We wondered if maybe she just couldn't see things well without her glasses?  Either way, it was a nice way to spend the afternoon, and we really loved it.

we did manage to get a smile out of her!
 We asked her beforehand if she was familiar with Washington DC.  She said no.  We explained that the president of the United States lives in the White House, and showed her a picture in a book.  She said she recognized that building from movies.  Progress!
A gloomy day, but I really like this picture of Reid, checking out the Washington Monument.

 Our two hour ride home turned into three, thanks to the rain and some seriously heavy traffic.  Honestly, we were just happy to be warm!  It was getting late, so we stopped at Chickfila for dinner.  She inhaled her nuggets and fries, and then asked for a yogurt parfait!  YES!!! I typed "we are happy to see you eating!"  She gave me a very strange look.  Maybe it translated funny?  Like, "we like to watch you eat."  Who knows?!

I reminded her that Zoya is coming tomorrow (Ukrainian translator/chaperone that needed a place to stay for a few nights)- she is not happy.  I asked her why, and she said "I do not know her."  I assured her that we would give her Loren's room, and her "personal time" was not in jeopardy.  I'm looking forward to talking to her without having to type everything, quite frankly!

Tomorrow is trip to the dentist number three.  She's super jazzed about getting four more fillings.  NOT.

I hope all of you are still basking in the glow of Christmas, enjoying time with your loved ones.  They are priceless! 

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