Monday, June 25, 2018

Let's DO This!

As  predicted, the last 4 weeks have flown by, and we now find ourselves on the eve of our host son's arrival!  Oh my!  We will head out tomorrow around 11am to drive to Dulles airport to finally meet "A".  The house is clean, the van is clean (with a full tank of gas), the laundry is finished, his bed is ready (complete with new weighted blanket!) and the arrival poster is made.  I think we're ready!  Isn't he just the cutest??

There are SO MANY unknowns going into this, each and every time. Will he like us?  Will he be obedient?  Will he be out of control?!  Will he get along with our three kids?  Will he be homesick for Ukraine?  Will he love it here and want to stay forever?  Your guess is as good as mine.  Each child is so different; each with his or her own unique set of circumstances and story.
What we DO know, is that all of the kids being hosted are coming from a hard place.  From a place of neglect, abuse, abandonment, or maybe a combo of the 3.  We were told several times at our training that just being chosen to be hosted is a huge boost to their self esteem.  Well "A", we SEE you.  We already love you.  We chose YOU!
There is a facebook page for Open Hearts Open Homes host families, and I've been glued to it, hoping to catch a glimpse of our boy.  Nothing so far, but the pictures are great.  This is one of my favorites:

Each host family writes a letter of introduction to their host child, including pictures.  It's translated, and then the child receives their letter at the airport on their way to America.  Look at these cuties checking out their letters!  LOVE!!!

Huge shout out to our church, and to the families who helped us with the hosting fees (especially my favorite birthday girl, KP!)  Thanks, to Rick and Carly, for giving us a Visa gift card to buy him some new sneakers (I can't wait to take him shopping- he will feel so special!), and to sweet JB for buying him new undies, socks, deodorant, a toothbrush and toothpaste, sunglasses, and even some bananas and oranges. 

THIS.  This is what it's all about.  Loving the least of these.  Being the hands and feet of Jesus.  Doing for one what you wish you could do for all.  Taking a risk. 
We would so appreciate your prayers as we start another crazy adventure.  Pray that "A" won't be afraid or anxious.  Pray for health for him and for our family.  Pray for no mishaps at the airports or on the roads.  Above all else, please pray that he would feel safe and loved with our family, and that we can point him to the God who loves him.
Buckle up!
1 John 4:19
We love because he first loved us.